Pre Game

It is recommended that AFL players have a low fat, carbohydrate rich meal 4 hours before the game and a snack 1-2 hours before the start to ensure their energy levels are fully stocked.

During Game


The athletic demands on an AFL player are quite startling. Most players will end up covering upwards of 15km with over 200 short sprint type efforts. An average footballer’s intensity will drop by 15% by the end of an AFL game. This fatigue is caused by a depletion of energy stores.


AFL is a long game, where players need to continue running hard 2.5hrs after its start. The body can only store approximately 1 hour’s worth of carbohydrates, after which point the body needs a top up or it begins to fatigue.


Consuming carbohydrate and protein rich food is required to achieve maximum recovery – replenishing energy stores and helping muscles recover.  Consuming foods at a ratio of 3:1 carbohydrate to protein is recommended to achieve maximum recovery.